Baptism is a very special time for your child ~ (s)he is being Welcomed into the Catholic Community! That adage, ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ is extended to the whole Catholic Church! We are here to help.
For your child to be Baptized, you must be registered in this parish. If you are from outside our parish, you must go to your Church Office and get a form indicating your decision to have the child baptized in our Church.
The child must be under the age of seven. The Church believes that this is the age of reason: understanding right from wrong, knowing of consequences. If your child is the age of seven, the child would then fall under the umbrella of Faith Formation. They would be catechized for one year. At the end of the year, (s)he would then have a conference with the Faith Formation Director to determine if the child wishes to be Baptized into the Catholic Faith. A date could be set with the Front Office once this has been completed.
Godparents must be active Catholics, attending Mass regularly and able to receive Communion.
The parents of the child along with the chosen Godparents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class. This is a one-time class lasting approximately 90 minutes. The certificate is valid for one year from date of issuance. The class is held on the third Sunday of the month. Please call the office in advance.
The certificates of class attendance for both parents and godparents should be presented to the Front Office along with the child’s birth certificate. Copies will be made and the originals returned to you.
Baptisms are to be scheduled with the Pastor.