The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's organization. It was established in 1882 for the purpose of helping the Catholic community to survive by helping with their problems pertaining to the procurement of food, lodging, insurance, and finding employment. Our parish now has a Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly. The 4th Degree is the Patriotic Degree of the Knights.
The Knights of Columbus are very family oriented, and it is our concern that we love and practice the principles of our religion and to constantly spread the Word.
The Knights are actively involved with fund raisers, which help not only the Catholic community, but the entire community we live in. We support all of the other organizations in the Catholic Church and are sometimes referred to as the "right arm" of the Catholic Church.
K.C. is a national organization with the Knights of Columbus Supreme headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut.
New members are always welcome. To become a Knight, you must be a practicing Catholic gentleman who is at least 18 years of age. We are 1.8 million men strong and donated over 71.5 million man-hours of volunteer work in 2014, and contributed over $173,000,000.00 to charity.
Council 6322 is a resource for the Parish and local community. Our namesake Monsignor Hayes served the Catholic Community of St. Patrick's for 32 years beginning in 1920. Our council here at St. Patrick was formed in 1972, and in January 2012 we celebrated our 40th anniversary.
Regular meetings are held at 6:30 pm on the first Thursday of every month in Gurnell Hall of St. Patrick Church, Placerville.