'I place much of my hope for the future in Marriage Encounter' - Pope John Paul II
Marriage Encounter is a weekend designed to help married couples communicate more intimately with one another in order to deepen and enrich their relationship. The weekend is free from everyday routines, distractions and tensions. An atmosphere is created where the couple can concentrate exclusively on one another in a private and confidential environment.
A series of presentations that touch on many aspects of marriage is given by three couples and a Catholic priest. After each presentation, the couple has time in the privacy of their own room for personal sharing using the communication techniques learned on the weekend. There are no group discussions.
The weekend runs from 8:00PM on Friday to 4:00PM on Sunday.
Marriage Encounter is the most successful and dynamic marriage enrichment experience in the world today. Since its beginnings in 1968, couples and priests have volunteered their time and energies to bring the Marriage Encounter Weekend to couples everywhere.
Today more than 2 million couples in over 91 countries have experienced the beauty and the gift of their weekend. They want to share that experience with you because they found something worth passing on.
or visit the Worldwide Marriage Encounter web site.
If you have already made a Marriage Encounter weekend and are interested in being involved with other couples committed to making their relationships better, also contact Don & Jeannette.