"When the church cares for the sick, it serves Christ Himself in the suffering members of His Mystical Body."
This is the lead sentence of the Roman decree promulgating the program of pastoral care of the sick in 1972. From these words the focus of care and spiritual concern shifted to total care and spiritual help for the sick and weakened.
This ministry is a response of the faithful to those in the parish who are hurting and sick. It is an effort of the parish to reach out to those in need, such as the lonely, aged, sick, or bereaved. Visits are made by volunteers to places of residence, whether they be private homes, senior citizen complexes, hospitals, or convalesant homes.
Eucharistic Ministers take Holy Communion to the sick, shut-ins, and aged who are unable to come to Mass. Each Eucharistic minister receives an instructional brochure and the name and address of a person to visit either on Sunday or during the week. They also inform the Ministry of the Sick coordinator if someone needs further physical, financial, or spiritual help.
We are looking for more people to serve in this worthwhile ministry. As the visitor of the sick is called to also be a Communion minister, there is a reciprocal process taking place. The minister is asked to give of himself more fully, which brings forth special gifts of Communion in the spiritual journey. Please pray about whether the Lord is calling you to serve in this capacity.